Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Gratituesday // 26.01.16

January is notorious for being the most depressing month of the year (I mean, it even has a Monday dedicated to blueness). Christmas is over, only the stuff no-one wants is left on the sales racks and you've got leftover food and chocolates coming out of your ears even though your New Years resolution was to lose ten pounds. THE INTERNAL CONFLICT! So in the spirit of keeping things as light, happy, positive and peppy as possible, let us observe another edition of #Gratituesday.
  1. That warm, fuzzy feeling you get when you reach optimum toastiness in your car after it takes an age to heat up each morning.
  2. Collectively deciding with your colleagues to rebel against 'Blue Monday' and mark it instead by gorging on numerous chocolate biscuits.
  3. Those odd days when it's actually above zero degrees and you don't need to scrape frost off your windscreen. REJOICE GRILLED CHEESUS.
  4. Hanging out with some strangely friendly swans by the River Thames. And unknowingly photobombing tourists pictures.
  5. Meetings that run over lunch, but have M&S food included. Carrot sticks and hummus get at me.
  6. Finding a stray Starbucks gift card from a few Christmases ago and getting a (sort of) free peppermint latte.
  7. Not yet failing at my New Years resolutions.
  8. That feeling when you get after you've scrubbed your face clean at the end of the day and you feel like you've just been reborn.
  9. The return of one of my favourite period dramas, Call the Midwife. Sunday nights are DOPE once again.
  10. Having colleagues from all over the world and getting to experience the chocolatey delights of their home countries. Russian chocolate is balling.
~ Eleanor xo

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