Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Combating The Winter Blues

It's officially been winter for what feels like a thousand years. Obviously, it's only been about two weeks but oh my lord, I am totally over it. I was not bred to be able to survive such low temperatures, let alone actually pull myself out of bed and out into the open air at seven in the morning. *Groan*

So, how does one find the courage, you ask? Well, by telling myself that I won't get paid if I don't, *ehem*, I mean, by doing some of these handy things:

1. Find your staple outfit
You know, so when it's horrendously dark and cold and it's the middle of the week and Saturday is so far away and you're just like "ughhh I have nothing to wear", in actuality, you can throw on your staple outfit and life is swell once again. Personally I'm down with skinny jeans, a long sleeve shirt, a blanket scarf, fringed ankle boots (and the mightiest duffle coat in existence, thanks Ralph Lauren).

2. Know how to take care of your skin
Moisturize your face within an inch of its life and be sure to carry hand cream and lip balm on your person at ALL TIMES. This is not a drill, you guys. This is serious.

3. Mentally prepare yourself for manually de-icing your car
If that's even possible. Which I have found it's largely not. Mostly it just makes me even later leaving my house and air-go, later leaving for work.

4. Find a good TV series to watch
Personally, I'm hooked on the new BBC drama 'Dickensian'. There always seems to be a lot of crime dramas floating around at this time of year and I am down with it. I love a good murder mystery on a cold winters night. Sometimes, if I'm really lucky, I get nightmares. #THRILLING.

5. Keep motivated
Potentially the most difficult thing to do (besides point #3), but definitely worth it in the end. Like my FitBit challenge, for example. It's so hard to keep myself from shoving my hands in my coat pockets to keep warm and not swinging my arm to count my steps, but when I do get my steps counted, and the number is high, I feel good! If not lacking in fingers because of frostbite...

6. Drink all the signature winter drinks
Hands down my favourite thing about this time of year. I mean, I'm a lover of iced lattes and frappuccinos and all that jazz that happens during the summer, of course I am! What kind of #BasicBitch would I be if I wasn't?! But winter drinks are it. I've enjoyed the delights of Crème Brûlée lattes, Praline Lattes, Winter Berry lattes, Spiced Orange lattes, Peppermint lattes.... Ok I have a thing for lattes... Either way, splashing out on a warming wintery treat just makes sense.

7. Plan for a less brutally cold time
There's a reason that travel companies have such good sales going on at this time of year, because they know that no Brit can deal with this sort of climate. It's called science, duh.

8. Make the most of feeling cozy
I'm talking bubble baths, nights in, blanket cuddles, Saturday evening casseroles, the whole shebang. Because before you know it, you'll be complaining that it's way too hot outside and you'll have to shower thirty times a day because how else do you stop sweating?

9. Burn a good candle
You know, something uplifting and spiritually fulfilling. I'm not sure what scent that translates into for you, but for me it's got to be something like Yankee Candle's 'Fluffy Towels' or 'Seashore' from True Grace.

10. Always assume it's going to be blustery, rainy and freezing 
That way you will never be disappointed, or alternatively, you'll be pleasantly surprised when you stumble upon a day that isn't so soul crushing.

Or alternatively, stay inside for the next three months and claim you're being at one with the animals and 'hibernating'.
~ Eleanor xo

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