Tuesday, 17 November 2015

What's In My Bag: Graduation Edition

THE DAY IS FINALLY HERE! MY UNIVERSITY GRADUATION! The most important, exciting, enthralling, exhilarating, nerve-racking day I will ever live through. Well, until the next most important exciting, enthralling, exhilarating, nerve-racking day I will ever live through.

I've experienced an array of emotions in the lead up to this day; one minute I feel I may explode from excitement, the next I want to hide away in a distant cave over the anxiety that someone may show up wearing the same dress as me. Gulp.

And even better than that, my weather app is telling me with no uncertainty that it will be bucketing it down with rain when my friends and I will be teetering around on skinny heels, with bare legs and make-up that will almost certainly run at the mere sight of a rain drop. I'm such a positive thinker, I know.

So in preparation for a such a historic day, here's what I'll be taking with me:
  1. Clutch bag: for holding all those necessities (while my parents carry everything else, duh!)
  2. A nail file: because broken nails equal sad face emoji.
  3. Heels: I'll be wearing these until I can take the inevitable pain no more.
  4. Make up: so I can touch up on the go. Bad gal lashes are the bomb.
  5. Fluffy socks: for post-ceremony comfiness (keeping it seasonal with snowflakes, yo).
  6. Flat shoes: I mean, do I even need to explain why these will be kept close to hand... or feet?
  7. A snack: because if Jennifer Lawrence has taught me anything, it's that one should always be properly fed.
  8. Perfume and lip balm: these just seemed like a good idea. And they're tiny so they fit in my bag.
  9. Hair ties: for when my lion mane gets too much and a top knot becomes needed.
  10. A selfie stick: admittedly hugely embarrassing, but how else are we going to get the best selfies?
  11. Umbrella: because my weather app tells me it's going to rain. -sob- Also, I live in Britain so, obvs.
  12. Hand sanitiser: lots of hand shaking will be going down today and germs are not invited.
  13. Phone: so I can tweet about how excited I am and how dope I look in this mortarboard #LOL
  14. Hair grips and safety pins: for attaching my cap to my head and my sash to my dress.
  15. Paracetamol and plasters: things to patch me up while I try not to weep.
And once the ceremony is over, the photos are taken and all other festivities are complete (and my cap and gown are begrudgingly handed back -boooo-), I will most likely be nursing painful feet and chilly limbs - but don't worry, I've got all that covered too (in the form of cosy sweatpants, fluffy socks and an oversized hooded jumper)... What can I say, I like to be prepared.

Wish me luck, everyone!
~ Eleanor BA (Hons) xo

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