Tuesday, 3 November 2015

October Favourites

I cannot tell you how difficult it was not to fill this post with foliage related favourites. BECAUSE THE LEAVES. THE LEAVES FALLING LIKE FEATHERS FROM THE TREES, LANDING SOFTLY NEXT TO THE CONKERS AND TURNING THE GREY PAVEMENT INTO A SEA OF GOLD, RED AND ORANGE. #MAGICAL. I genuinely don't understand how anyone can dislike this time of year. {Ed's note: Correction, when I find a mountain of leaves in my car foot-well, then I start to dislike this time of year...}

But let's get down to biz; besides fiery red leaves, I've been loving:
  1. Montezuma's Dark Chocolate GIANT Buttons
    I was sceptical when I first opened the packet, as I usually am with chocolate I've not tried before, because I'm like, totally normal... *ehem*. But holy mother of all that is green and edible, these buttons are a SENSATION (picture me yelling that while setting off a confetti canon and doing jazz hands while a banner reading "WINNER" unravels down from the ceiling). Obviously, sorta pricey (£2.99 for 180g) but because they're made from fair trade dark chocolate, you cannot scoff them in one go in fear of poisoning yourself, so they last ages! Genius!

  2. Pull and Bear knee high boots
    It's boot weather, y'all! (In case that wasn't already obvious). On a cold, rainy day, you can't beat slipping your feet into a pair of knee high boots, full well knowing that your socks have pandas printed on them and you've got a meeting to attend with someone important. No one need ever know, except you. It's thrilling! (And they're comfy and keep the rain out, but that's irrelevant).

  3. Apple and Elderflower candle from The Eval Candle Company
    Controversial, I know. Who do I think I am burning a floral Spring-like scented candle in the depths of dreary afternoons and foggy mornings?! Maybe this is my midlife crisis. Not the point. I just really love how light and uplifting this candle smells; it's the perfect morning scent and it's strong enough to fill my room (but doesn't make me want to choke to death). I am also a longtime enthusiast of candles housed in tins - I just love them.

  4. The Muppets TV Show
    For some ridiculous reason, the new Muppets show has been crucified by critics and I have never disagreed with something so strongly. Well, almost never. This show has me in stitches every single week - whether it's now the highlight of my Wednesday, I couldn't possibly say. (It totally is). I love that ABC have given the Muppets a chance to revive themselves and kick it up a notch to harmless adult entertainment - it's worked really well and it's seriously funny. 

  5. Laura Ashley Fresh Linen and Jasmine body wash
    I know, it sounds like a totally strange mix of ingredients (I kind of think maybe this was created by a happy accident - like when Jackson and Oliver created Cheese Jerky in that Hannah Montana episode). Either way, this smells so unbelievably clean that I might as well have bundled myself into the washing machine and set myself to a thirty-degree spin cycle (because I care about the environment - wash at 30, kids!). 
Get those Catherine Wheels at the ready, amigos! It's time for remember remember the fifth of November!
~ Eleanor xo

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