Thursday, 5 May 2016

Photo Diary: April Round Up

Always a fan of slow sundays
I strongly advise having Finnish neighbours
Daffodils in the office hell yeah @ High Street, Windsor
The colour of this juice just screams 'earthy' @ Borough Market, London
Hands down the greatest sourdough I've ever tasted
Stumbled upon this beaut cottage overlooking the Great Park @ Kings Road, Windsor
This month's farm shop finds
Maxin' relaxin' on a Sunday
Windsor looking fabulous with flags
Toast, almond butter, banana slices and sunflower seeds because #health

In the words of our lord, Justin Timberlake, "IT'S GONNA BE MAY". I am aware that it has been May for a few days now but not including that reference just seems disrespectful.

By some miracle, I'm writing this while the sun shines through my open windows (which is obviously super great because #Spring but also not super great because it's distorting my screen. Life, am I right?). I've also got some kind of viral illness (shock!!!!) and my nose is running and I've only just painted my nails. Why do bad things happen to good people????

So, aside from all of the above AND my laptop battery scoring 'Poor' for the first time ever, here's some other noteworthy occurrences from the past month:
  • April showers? 100% a thing.
  • And so are April snow showers, apparently.
  • One of the daily 'Changing of the Guards' routines at Windsor Castle featured a dog wearing the guards uniform and I freaked out a bit #DOGINACOAT.
  • I challenged myself to hit my daily FitBit step count every was hard, but somehow I managed it.
  • I challenged myself to use my FitBit app to help myself drink the recommended two litres of water a day. I gave up after three days because I felt like I was drowning internally and I basically needed to pee all the time. Is this what it's like to be pregnant?
  • The London Coffee Festival rolled around so that was fun.
  • Byron Burger has taken over the lease of the property which once held Starbucks. You cannot fathom how un-okay this is.
  • The traffic on my drive to and from work has reached a new level of REDONK so occasionally I take a scenic back route through quaint countryside villages where the houses are not only the things of beauty, but also worth more than seventy-five jumbo jet areoplanes.
  • Speaking of redonk, I had a dream where I invented the work 'Rebonk', which is appaz a mash-up between redonk and bollocks, because why wouldn't you need a word to sum that up?
  • I've watched this video on repeat ever since it was released. I still cry with laughter every time.
  • I started using Snapchat way more. Not to keep up with my friends, to watch what my fave celebs and brands are up to. Eva Longoria is just A+++++.
  • I bought new clothes for Spring and I'm mucho excited about it. Goodbye Winter!
  • We had a photoshoot at the office for our new company website and it was really stressful and I'm probably going to end up looking like a serial killer. NBD.
  • I got really into daffodils.
  • I went to Borough Market for the first time and enjoyed a tremendously healthy juice filled with apple, kiwi, acia and banana. It tasted like compost.
  • Though, the fresh organic free range pumpkin tortellini we purchased from another stall at Borough Market made a rather tasty midweek meal.
  • Petrol prices went up. *sobs forever*
  • It's got to that really annoying time of the year where you get in your car and turn the heat up in the morning and crank up the A/C in the afternoon. 
  • The Queen threw an epic birthday celebration in Windsor. You can read all about it here.
  • I discovered that adding Marmite to avocado on toast is the stuff of dreams. Is this what taking cocaine is like? I mean, wait, what?
  • Clearly a lot of food related things went down this month...
  • My pet hedgehog has come out of hibernation and was spotted out and about with a lady friend. Fingers crossed for mating season (whenever that is).
  • I learnt that if you accidentally refer to LinkedIn connections as 'friends', you'll never live it down.
All so noteworthy, I know.
~ Eleanor xo

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