Tuesday, 8 March 2016

50 Thoughts you have as a morning train commuter

One day last week I got to re-live the delight that is: early morning train commuting to London. Doing it for one day was quite enough for me and it's kind of hard to believe that for years I spent the entirety of my summer's doing this every single day. How did I not lose my sanity? Well, I think I probably did, I've just chosen to black out that part of my life in fear of never being able to walk out of my front door again.

But alas, as I love a good complain and generally making fun of my life, here's what went through my head during the experience:
  1. Ok! Here we go. Gonna get the train and I'm not going to have a single ounce of road rage what a strange new concept this is.
  2. God why is this platform so long. If I have to walk any further I might as well walk all the way to London.
  3. Oooh oooh sun shiny day!
  4. Everyone's looking sufficiently miserable. Must mean I'm in the right place.
  5. Ooop here comes eager beaver dressed in his finest bicycle shorts.
  6. Christ why isn't lycra illegal.
  7. Lining up on the platform ready to get myself on the train wooohooo. Keen bean queuing up with time to spare.
  8. It's delayed.
  9. The train is sodding delayed.
  10. Signalling failures. How. Why. This is 2016.
  11. Oh lovely, bicycle shorts is now chowing down on a hot cross bun. Is he aware that a) it's literally 7:34 in the morning and b) hot cross buns are disgusting?
  12. Wait, why are you pushing in front of me?
  13. Excuse me, Sir, I know you're wearing a suit and tie but have you heard of queuing etiquette?
  14. Erm hello I was here first!
  15. Oh no you did not.
  16. I can do this. I am a strong independent woman with functioning elbows who's not afraid to use 'em.
  17. Do you people have any concept of PERSONAL SPACE SEND HELP.
  18. Just breathe. I'm not in my car now, there are no walls to protect me if profanities begin bursting from my mouth.
  19. God it's cold. Stupid March.
  20. Think warm thoughts.
  21. It's not working.
  22. FINALLY the train is here.
  24. K, on the train. In one piece. With my belongings.
  26. Wonder how many enemies I just made by accidentally knocking them with my handbag. Stupid thin aisles.
  27. Alright, I'm sitting comfortably, got my iPod playing some tunes, now to sit back, relax and enjoy a smooth ride to London.
  28. Are we there yet?
  29. How has it only been three minutes?
  30. Imma just sit and people watch for a while.
  31. Yo, bright coloured tie wearer, is there coffee in that tumbler or gin?
  32. Could be gin.
  33. Oh crap, he's spotted me. Act cool.
  34. La la le laaaa
  35. Good God there are actually people working at this time of the morning before they've even reached the office?!?!?! 
  36. Didn't even known ThinkPads were still a thing.
  37. Wow I wish I'd thought to pick up a Metro. This is so boring.
  38. Crap. Where's my ticket? I have my ticket right, it's here, and it's valid? It is, isn't it? Oh my gosh what if I got it wrong. Am I going to go to prison????
  39. Lol, no big deal, it's in my purse where I left it.
  40. Glad I didn't overact because that would've been embarrassing.
  41. One hundred per cent that woman is now hastily applying concealer under her eyes because she just saw my face. #Life.
  42. How loud is my music? Wait, do you think people can hear the Hannah Montana soundtrack I'm listening to?
  43. Oh no, we're cool.
  44. Better tweet that I'm on my way to London so everyone knows where I'm at.
  45. Almost there almost there.
  46. I like how judgey everyone is on this train. These are my people.
  47. Unless they're judging me. Like under-eye concealer woman over there. You definitely are not my people.
  48. What's the announcement saying? Oh yay, we're here!
  49. Let me just stay seated for a sec while everyone makes a mad dash for the exits.
  50. Smooth and casual. I got this.
Now, back to the reality of driving to work and attempting to get a grip on my uncontrollable road rage. Basically, I can't win.
~ Eleanor xo

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