Thursday, 4 February 2016

Photo Diary: January Round Up

Look how intellectual I am
Making friends with swans and remembering that time my sister was traumatised by an almost attack @ Windsor Riverside
Name tags are so fetch @ ArenaMK, Milton Keynes
Goodbye embassingly damaged and ruined hair!
Coconut hot chocolate is an interesting mix. Also fruit scones are hard to eat @ Secretts Rendezvous, Milford
Anthropologie replaced the mug that turned up with a massive chunk missing!
So as you can tell, this isn't much of a 'photo diary' and that is because a) January is massively unphotogenic and I've realised how awful and dull winter is sans beautiful Christmas wreaths and b) it's been one of those months where life does that thing where it sort of pokes you every so often and you're like "leave me alone I'm trying to be chill" but it clearly doesn't understand English at all so it keeps poking you so you know it's there and you kind of just want to drink your peppermint latte without wanting to sob but sometimes it's hard, you know? That's an appalling metaphor/shoddy explanation but I hope you get the jist. January = no bueno.

So instead of actually attempting to write coherent sentences, here's a bullet pointed list of some of the things that happened in the last thirty-one days:
  • I discovered Starbucks offer both peppermint and almond syrups and that is proof that there is always good in the world.
  • I was under the weather for a bit.
  • I've started drinking sparkling water daily.
  • I thought I'd managed to accidentally shred my tyre so I panic bought RAC breakdown cover.
  • I wore a lot of stripes.
  • I discovered Russian chocolate is supes tasty.
  • The #HSM10 anniversary made me massively emotional.
  • It snowed lightly one night and everything evaporated by mid-morning. There was no time for a picture.
  • I read two whole books. I'm proud.
  • I finally had my Rapunzel (and hella damaged) hair cut.
  • I'm already losing my shit over the new Pretty Little Liars plotline. I'm sorry but Spencer and Caleb?????
  • I realised that my FitBit is going to rule my life forevermore.
  • I forced myself into liking rice cakes #health.
  • It was cold a lot. And then it was stormy. And then it was cold again. And then it was just mostly windy.
  • I discovered where Milton Keynes is. And that it's roundabout central.
  • I miss my university friends a whole lot.
  • I discovered that signing "Congratulations on your engagement" cards is now where I am at with my life.
  • There's a lot of talk about weddings and babies and getting preggo and I'm like nahhhhhh.
  • I played Watchdogs on PS4 for the first time and it was amazingly fun. And obviously, I'm awful at it.
  • My search for the perfect pair of winter boots continues.
  • I tried out some new candles. I have mixed reviews.
  • I'm looking forward to tulip season.
And on Saturday, I was asleep at 9:30pm. Wow January, stop with the craziness!
~ Eleanor xo

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